Do you prefer artificial Christmas trees or real trees? Artificial.

When do you decorate your Christmas tree? Normally starting on Thanksgiving day, but this year we already have our tree up!
What is your favorite Christmas song? What makes it your favorite? “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”, because I love the melody.
What is your go-to holiday drink?Eggnog.
What is your favorite Christmas present that you have ever received? A guitar I bought for myself.
What were your Christmas traditions when you were younger? Putting up the lights outside, decorating the tree and hanging garland!
How have your Christmas celebrations changed since becoming an adult? Now it’s just me and my fiancĂ©, but we still go all out and decorate the house.
How will Christmas be different at your house this year be different this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic? The two of us will just be celebrating by ourselves.
What is your favorite Christmas memory? Baking Christmas cookies.
How do you spend the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day? Trying to figure out what day it is, ha!
How do you spend New Year’s Eve? Normally staying in and watching the ball drop on TV.
How will the pandemic impact your celebrations? Nothing will change.
What do you typically eat on New Year’s Day? Pork and sauerkraut.
Do you have a New Year’s Resolution for 2021? Continue trying to be the best version of myself I can be!