Christmas Q&A: Hugh Phillips

How can people find your music? and all streaming platforms.

Hugh Phillips. Photo Contributed.

What is your current single and/or album? Boys That’s a Cowgirl new single

What was a typical Thanksgiving meal look like for your family? Turkey with all the fixin’s My wife and I love to cook so with friends and family it’s always a huge production.

What were your Thanksgiving traditions when you were younger? We generally had relatives over, Grandparents and aunts and uncles, cousins etc…

How has your Thanksgiving celebration changed since you have became an adult? My wife and I have any children, so we have a lot of friends as well as family over. It’s usually a big party and people bring over food. We also play some tunes.

What is your favorite Thanksgiving Day memory? One time we went to Chicago from Colorado to put on a Turkey Day for my grandma who was then in her 90’s and not really travelling. We invited as much family as we could and rented a house. We had a blast, and she loved having everyone around to celebrate. Nothing like 4 generations around the table!

What are you most thankful for this year? My health, my music, my wife, my friends and my dog.

Do you prefer artificial Christmas trees or real trees? Artificial.

When do you decorate your Christmas tree? Early December

What is your favorite Christmas song?  What makes it your favorite? Hard to beat Jingle Bells. It’s just a classic and upbeat.

What is your go-to holiday drink? Bourbon. Old Fashions, Manhattans.

What is your favorite Christmas present that you have ever received? My wife and I went to Africa for our present, and we hung with elephants Christmas morning. Pretty hard to beat.

What were your Christmas traditions when you were younger? Kind of the same as Thanksgiving, family and food.

How have your Christmas celebrations changed since becoming an adult? We alternate between family and friend each year.

What is your favorite Christmas memory? Being in African Serengeti. Absolutely unbelievable.

How do you spend the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day? Last year last minute we realized I had no work, so we drove to go skiing in Banff Canada.

How do you spend New Year’s Eve? Lay low…

What do you typically eat on New Year’s Day? Not much.

Do you have a New Year’s Resolution for 2025? To be the best person I can be.