How can people find your music? or on any major social media platform!

What is your current single and/or album? My current single is “Pink Whitney” but I am about to be dropping a Christmas single at the end of November!!! It’s my rendition of the classic Christmas song, “O Holy Night”.
Do you prefer artificial Christmas trees or real trees? Artificial. I have terrible allergies so who knows how I’d be with a real tree in my living room. It’s also a lot easier to put up.
When do you decorate your Christmas tree? I try to get my tree up AFTER Thanksgiving. I will never skip the best dinner of the year, so it must go up after Thanksgiving is done!
What is your favorite Christmas song? What makes it your favorite? I really enjoy “Mary Did You Know”. I think it’s a powerful song and truly captures everything about Christmas.
What is your go-to holiday drink? I’m a very picky person when it comes to any kind of drink, but I do enjoy a nice cup of coffee in the evenings. Puts me in a cozy mood.
What is your favorite Christmas present that you have ever received? Probably my baby Taylor guitar. To make a long story short, it was the first guitar I’d ever been given. I had played it for months and went to visit relatives one summer. I ended up trading my baby Taylor with my uncle for his Martin and he had given my guitar to my cousin to learn how to play on. I missed it so much for years and didn’t think I’d ever see it again. My family pulled some strings and ended up getting it back for me and surprised me with it for Christmas a few years back. I’m so glad to have it back with me.
What were your Christmas traditions when you were younger? My mom, mawmaw and I always baked together. I make my famous Oreo balls for Christmas and they’re a big hit with friends and family!
How have your Christmas celebrations changed since becoming an adult? They really haven’t changed too much. I still love to bake with my mama every year!
What is your favorite Christmas memory? Probably just singing with my family come Christmas time. My aunt and I love to sing together.
How do you spend the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day? Relaxing and eating lots and lots of leftovers haha.
How do you spend New Year’s Eve? Now a days, in bed! I try to stay up til midnight, but my eyes have a hard time staying open that long.
What do you typically eat on New Year’s Day? Nothing in particular. I never really got into the New Years food traditions. I’ve heard of the signature foods, so maybe I need to try some this coming year!
Do you have a New Year’s Resolution for 2025? To live life to the fullest and grow as a person!