What is your name? Ray Palousek

Do you prefer artificial Christmas trees or real trees? Artificial. Way more convenient, less allergies, less cleaning.
When do you decorate your Christmas tree? Has to be after Thanksgiving! It should be an official rule.
What is your favorite Christmas song? What makes it your favorite? “Christmas Time Is Here” by Vince Guaraldi. The chord progression makes it my favorite.
What is your go-to holiday drink? More like drinks! Shiner Holiday Cheer, spiked egg nog, and peppermint schnapps.
What is your favorite Christmas present that you have ever received? A bottle of Jack Daniel’s Sinatra Select!
What were your Christmas traditions when you were younger? Meeting at my granny’s house and putting on an elf hat while handing out gifts. There were always too many desserts!
How have your Christmas celebrations changed since becoming an adult? My family and I have worked through the holidays more often, so family gatherings usually don’t happen on time.
What is your favorite Christmas memory? Anytime my family was all together is my favorite memory.
How do you spend the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day? Traditionally, a lot of rest and laziness. Trying out the new gifts or showing them off to friends.
How do you spend New Year’s Eve? Hopefully, making good money playing live music somewhere, but if not, partying!
What do you typically eat on New Year’s Day? Black-eyed peas are a must!
Do you have a New Year’s Resolution for 2022? Be healthier, mentally and physically.