Dariann Leigh released a new single called “Let Me Go” less than a month ago and it has already been played on Spotify over 41,000 times. She said that she wrote the song last February with co-writers Emily Fortney and Skye Claire. “We sat down and we were all just talking about different things we had been through in life, whether it be chapters, relationships or friendships that weren’t really the best for us. We felt we really needed them to get to the point where we are at now, but unfortunately when you are in those chapters, they just aren’t the most enjoyable. We just talked about that and we talked about when you are in those seasons of your life, all you want is to be let go,” Leigh said, adding that it seems like other people are relating to the song too, which makes her really happy to see other people getting the song that she needed when she was in that chapter as well.

“Let Me Go” seems to have really connected with fans. The song has already become Leigh’s most successful release to date. While fans have liked her previous songs, Leigh said none of her previous singles have hit the way “Let Me Go” has. “They have done their own things and they have ridden their waves really well and they have been so fun, but this one has really just caught. It’s crazy to be able to say that because it’s something I’ve always wanted to be able to say,” she said.
Leigh revealed that she already knows what she is going to release as the next single. She said that it will be “kind of a slow-down and it’s not that much of one.” She also said she believes she has really found her sound and herself so much more. “I feel like when you are the version of yourself that you need to be, things just sometimes work.”
Leigh still doesn’t know if the follow-up to “Let Me Go” will be more successful. “For me, as long as it is still me and people can relate to it, that’s the main goal for me,” she said.
Leigh said she loved music since she was little. She said that she struggles a lot in school, so she would use music to memorize spelling words or math equations. She said she would make up a little rhythm in high school to help her study for tests and things like that. “It was just always clear to me that music was just so much more than just something that you can listen to…to have a good time or to relate to. It really is a tool that you can use throughout your life…,” she said.
After high school, Leigh went to college. She said she majored in English education with a minor in music education. Leigh said she had planned to teach English and teach choir. “I think education is really important. It became really clear to me while I was there that the one thing that rings into my heart that I need to do was music,” she said, adding that it became to her that the path she wanted to be on was music when she made the decision to leave college.
Although Leigh is from a small town in Minnesota, she said it wasn’t so much a culture shock when she moved to Nashville because she had travelled a lot. She said that Nashville really is a community.
More information about Leigh can be found on her website, www.dariannleigh.com. She is also active on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Clubhouse.