When and where are you performing at the Gatlinburg Songwriters Festival? Saturday 4:00-6:30 on the Turk’s Lounge Showcase stage at the Gatlinburg Inn.

What is your best-known hit song? Working on it.
What was the story behind your best-known hit song? I’ll answer this question in the next year or two.
Of all the songs, you have written or co-written, which was the most meaningful to you? Why? Small Talk. I wrote this song with Bill Diluigi. It means the most to me because it is about how my Dad used to call me every Sunday to see how I was. He has been gone 21 years and I still miss those phone calls.
If you could have a song cut by any artist (living or dead), who would that artist be and why? BIG QUESTION! I would love Garth Brooks to cut one of my songs. The ultimate performer and someone I truly admire and respect. I can’t help but also answer George Jones back in the day.
Do you prefer to co-write or write by yourself? I have really come to enjoy the process of co-writing!! I love it when someone takes an idea I have had and leads it down a road I never even thought of. That is a beautiful thing.
What one piece of advice would you give to aspiring songwriters? Never Quit, never stop learning, always be respectful and humble and enjoy the Hang!
Do you like to perform at songwriters festivals? This will be my first and I am super excited about it!!
Are you on social media? I am on Facebook as Turk McNamara, I also have presence as Turk’s Lounge and McNamara’s Irish Pub and Restaurant!
Anything else you would like people to know? I love music! I love to perform! I love to listen! I love to learn!