Shari Rowe released her new single called “Long Hugs” last month.

The title may lead people to assume that the song was inspired by the pandemic, but that is not true. Rowe said the song was written in late 2019 during a co-write with Mark Addison and Blue Foley. “I am a big proponent of making a moment out of things, really just kind of pausing and taking it all in and just never really sure what life is going to bring,” she said. ” I feel like we know that more than ever since the pandemic started, but we could have never known that we would be in this place that we are in the world right now.”
Rowe said the song is about slowing down or taking the time to do something well and realize the value of that. She said the timing of the song is amazing. “There are some lessons that we learn and values that we hold that are universal regardless of what we are going through,” she said, adding that people are looking at what they value and who they miss.
Rowe said she grew up in a home that encouraged performance. “Music was always a very important intricate part, the backdrop of our lives,” she said. She said that she remembers trying to find harmony to the tone of a vacuum cleaner and participating in family talent shows.
Rowe said she did her first solo all in Italian when she was in junior high school. She considers one of the biggest achievements so far in her career was doing tours in Poland and Germany. She said she comes from Polish heritage. While she was there, she had the opportunity to sing worship songs in a cathedral.
Although most 2020 shows were cancelled or postponed, Rowe said the venues are starting to open and she has been getting more booking inquiries. “Moving forward, I can’t wait to hit the stage again,” she said.
For more information about Rowe and her music, people can visit her website at www.sharirowe,com. She has music on Spotify and she is on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.