Thanksgiving Q&A With Jeannie Seely

Jeannie Seely is a country music legend who has been a proud Grand Ole Opry Member since September 16, 1967. Before the pandemic began, she performed regularly on the Opry when she was not on tour.

Photo Credit: Moments By Moser Photography.

What is your current single and/or album? An American Classic, Curb Records.

What was a typical Thanksgiving meal look like for your family? Well normally, it looked like most families…however this year it will just be Gene and me…and Corrie , our kitty….and that is actually fine with me!

What were your Thanksgiving traditions when you were younger? While I was still home with my parents we had the normal family gathering…I never did much cooking…usually we were playing guitar, singing and entertaining with my brother Bernie.

How has your Thanksgiving celebration changed since you have became an adult? It didn’t change too much! I still never did a lot of cooking…my contribution has usually been deviled eggs and I like to bake pumpkin pies because I like them thick and dark with spices.

How will COVID-19 impact your Thanksgiving celebration this year? We are not participating in gatherings with friends or family just trying to stay well.

What is your favorite Thanksgiving Day memory? One year everyone was bringing something for dinner. My friend songwriter Glenn Martin was in charge of the turkey. He came in telling me something went wrong…he lifted the top of of this beautiful container to reveal a cornish hen on this huge platter! It was a shock…then a good laugh!

What are you most thankful for this year? I’m so thankful that so far all of our family is well, and very grateful that Gene and I have been fortunate to have good health this year and have avoided the dreaded virus.

More information about Seely can be found on her website,