What is your name? Troy Castellano

What is your current single and/or album? There are two current singles: “Who You’re Trying To Find” & “This Christmas”
What was a typical Thanksgiving meal look like for your family? We spread out the usual turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, hot buns, corn, stuffing, various salads, pickles, olives, and of course, the beverages, water, milk and wine. We almost always forgo the can of cranberry. No one ever seemed to eat it! Then dessert, which usually happens 2 hours later, we have various pies, including pumpkin! Then, yep nap LOL!
What were your Thanksgiving traditions when you were younger? After dinner, we usually end up with football on the TV and the shoppers in the house start looking through the holiday sales and plan their shopping trips. Lastly, if anyone is up for it we’ll play a board game. Usually Pictionary!
How has your Thanksgiving celebration changed since you have became an adult? Well, like most families, it starts to fragment, some relatives pass on, some move away, and sadly, some don’t get “involved” anymore. However, with all of that changing, the one thing that’s stayed the same is there is always an adult table and a kid’s table!
What is your favorite Thanksgiving Day memory? When my wife and I hosted it. It was amazing to have all of my close relatives and their kids all come to dinner at my home. Kudos to my wife, who made a spectacular turkey!
What are you most thankful for this year? To have gained some of my health back. I know it’s cliche, but it is so true. Health is the most essential thing to have. Nothing else matters when you are unhealthy and sick. You can’t enjoy your life to the fullest without your health!