Texas-born artist Tori Martin released a new single last month called “Living The Dream” and she’s found already that the song is inspiring a lot of people.
Martin said she wrote the song with Lyndsey Highlander about two years ago right after she moved to Nashville. “I recorded that song actually in the fall of last year,: Martin said, adding that she felt like it was more of a summer song. “I was so excited to finally put it out there.”
So far, Martin has received a positive reaction to the song with many saying they can relate to the lyrics in many different ways with their dreams.
The song has a wide appeal because it is an anthem for anyone trying to achieve any kind of dream, not just those who are trying to make it in the music business. “That was the goal and the intention is to help inspire people to fight for their dreams,” Martin said.
There will be a music video for the song coming out soon. Martin explains that it is a collaboration with a female racecar driver, who felt like she had lived the song in her career path.
While in Texas, Martin was involved in the Texas music scene and released singles that charted on the Texas music charts. She also made music videos for some of the songs she released in Texas. “This was definitely my first music video with somebody pretty famous,” Martin said. She said making videos and music in Nashville is completely different than in Texas.
“I was really excited when I recorded this song because it felt like my truest self that I’m able to release and put out,” Martin said. “That’s kind of what I wanted to accomplish with it.”
Martin said she is writing for an album right now and she plans on getting in the studio in September. She said she is working with some hit songwriters and producers.
Martin appeared on Season 14 of American Idol. “It was crazy and fun and I learned a lot from that experience,” Martin said, adding that she wasn’t expecting to go on the show. She said she was touring in Texas when she had the opportunity to go on the show.
She said it was pretty surreal singing for Keith Urban, Jennifer Lopez and Harry Connick, Jr.. but she admitted she wanted to get advice from or impress Urban the most. She said Urban told her that he loved her voice and it was hard not be completely starstruck in that moment.
The appearance on American Idol helped give Martin more momentum with her music when she first came off the show. “I was playing a lot more shows touring around the southern region of the US,” Martin said. ” It really did help me with my social media and all that. It definitely was worth it and helped a lot.”
Martin is the co-host of an all girl songwriter series at Just Love Coffee on Music Row called Music Biz Bestie Songwriter Series. Martin said she plays that about once a month.
More information about Martin can be found at www.thetorimartin.com. She is also active on social media platforms.